Monday, March 8, 2010

Back from the dead...

I had quite a break from writing anything here. Since then a lot has happened. Gonna post some musical reviews and news soon (hopefully), but will start off with a zine review.


What i recieved today in the mail was the 4th issue of the already famous Greek zine - Mountza. What can i say? If you don't know this zine - imagine hearing about some new hype band - and just when you think about it - you can read about them in the next issue of Mountza. Here and there i get an impression that this zine was written by some ego freak high on coke (hence some of the reviews, some of which i completely don't agree with), but then again when you read the interesting questions in the interviews you cool down and swallow what you read with pleasure. What one can also find is (i might be wrong, but...) the anti-vegetarian remarks make me slightly disappointed (and i'm most definately not a militant veggie warrior type), but then again the very nice looking photos by Mateus Mondini and cool cover art by Ella Tilemma leave me thinking that Mountza is still one of the best zines around nowadays. Maybe a little overhyped and focused on hype bands, but still a good lecture.

get your copy here:

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